Saturday, October 23, 2010

Focus: A new book on simplicity in the age of distractions

It’s about finding simplicity in this Age of Distraction.
It’s about finding the focus you need to create, to work on what’s important, to reflect, to find peace.

The Free Version
The free version is simple: it’s 27 chapters that you can download for free, without having to give an email address or do anything else. It’s uncopyrighted, and you can share it with as many people as you like.
Download free version here (a pdf download).

p.s : I have not read the book yet. (not even the free ebook) Therefore, I do not wish to give my views on it.

A post

Life is going really fast. It has been 2 months already since my last post on the experience I had of visiting a conference on North Korean Human Rights and Refugees.

I and you see that in my last post I mentioned in the last line that I would let you know of 'my views' on 'how' we, everyone is associated with every aspect of the world.

For past 2 months I got busy, because of internship, which started on September 7th and also had some highly stressed moments because of internship, also of my playing around with a new "training" of gas station cashier job and I could not make time to do research, analysis and put my assumptions on paper (doc on computer) in an organized way. So, I could not make any post on that one. Even now I do not even have a draft of such a post, but, for sure, I would make such a post in future.

I apologize.

(I agree, if you say that, there is always time and people cannot just say that they do not have time because they got busy, but, you see I am still learning how to live life. Note that, I said above that I had stressful moments, which clearly meant I could not even handle stress - which is considered as part of life to everyone. So, I am still a very new person, learning and learning).

For now, I would like to make a post which is just a copy paste of an article which could help everyone in organizing their life better. (if you think you are not organized at best).

I found this one at, which re-directed me to :

Thank you

Friday, August 20, 2010

A special day

I didn't knew its been so long that I made a post in my blog here, as I still feel writing about attitude (one of my previous posts) just few weeks ago, though its been an year already. Anyways, here goes my 'View'

A special day

Prashanth's Disclaimer : please read this post completely. The entire post is completely my personal opinion and may contradict with your opinions or factual data.

Today was a special day for me ...not because i had last exam of the semester but because i had a chance to watch two very good documentaries on the issue of human rights in North Korea and gave me more insight knowledge on the present situation over there and what made such situation arise. They are listed as below with their official websites.

The Red Chapel :


For people who doesn't have any clue of what i am talking about and what is THAT situation, please read more about it and North Korea here

I hope you don't ignore reading it with the excuse of availability of time to you at this instant.

I also had a privilige to see the director cum producer of the documentary herself answering questions after the screening.

I can't wait to participate in tomorrow's international conference on human rights in North Korea.

Please visit here for more info:

People, friends and family who know me closely already know that I am learning Korean language and I am into Korean but actually I am more concerned about Human rights, environmental impacts, climate change, cultural changes, peoples' attitudes and stuff like that anywhere in the world.

While i was watching the documentaries, I had an immense emotional feeling of how millions of such people existing around the world must be suffering, while others are living extremely well and we don't do anything to them in any way, all we do is just show a feeling of 'concern' whenever we watch such a documentary or any such issues are shown on News.

Just imagine yourself escaping from a prison, running wild in the rocky snow covered mountains, crossing a river not knowing when you would get shot in the back just to escape from the huge prison camps, starvation and torture.

Ironic point is that all this is not caused just because of few people like saddam hussein or kim jong il or such people but its partly associated with everyone of us. Yes, you and me. How ?

I would let you know about my Views on 'how' in my next post (please note that again they could be just assumptions and of my own personal opinions).